Hedef Portföy A.Ş.

Founded in 2012, Hedef Portföy Yönetimi aims to provide active and qualified portfolio management services to help individual and institutional investors achieve their return objectives in line with their risk preferences. With a team of successful, experienced, entrepreneurial, and analytically minded professionals specialized in capital markets, Hedef Portföy Yönetimi delivers high performance to a broad investor base through the investment funds it establishes and manages. As of May 2024, Hedef Portföy's managed portfolio size reached 46.6 billion TL. It is a subsidiary of Hedef Holding, a leading investment group in Turkey, which includes Hedef Yatırım Bankası and İnfo Yatırım, and has investments in finance, technology, healthcare, and other fields. As of 2024, Hedef Portföy manages 42 securities investment funds, 11 venture capital investment funds, and 4 real estate investment funds, with the number of investment funds it establishes and manages increasing each year.

[Hedef Portföy Website](https://hedefportfoy.com.tr/)

[Financial Statements](https://hedefportfoy.com.tr/yatirimciiliskileri/mali-tablolar)

[Activity Reports](https://hedefportfoy.com.tr/yatirimciiliskileri/faaliyet-raporlari)